Pile integrity testing
Our company Čeněk a Ježek a.s. is entitled to execute Pile Integrity Tests (PIT) since January 2010. We use Pile Echo Tester (PET) manufactured by Company PILETEST for this purpose. The PET is fully compliant with ASTM Sonic standard D5882.
The PET (Pile Echo Tester) uses the Pulse-Echo method (PEM) for a quick quality control of a large number of piles. The pile top is struck with a lightweight handheld hammer. The reflected wave is captured and analyzed by the PET's digital accelerometer to provide an information regarding the length and shape of the pile. The results are interpreted in a Protocol of pile integrity test.
This type of non-destructive pile testing is mentioned in Czech standard CSN EN 1536+A1: Execution of special foundation works – Bored piles.