The BG20H drilling machine is currently drilling the Berliner wall for a new apartment building in Leopoldova Street in Prague. The wall will consist of double 2xIPE360 profiles, which will be anchored in two levels through the aforementioned pairs of steel soldier piles. The piles are designed to be 11.50 and 12.00 m long and will be made of S275 steel. The anchoring will be carried out with 4 or 5 strand anchors. The maximum length of the anchors will reach 15 m.
Our work delivery also includes system piles under the building, which will have diameters of 620, 900 and 1200 mm. In addition to the above, we will also execute piles for a crane.
The construction is managed by Petr Malý, the project was prepared by Ing. Jan Mrázek.
In Košice, we have already drilled more than 1650 piles! And now we are doing, as we say – saving the best for last. Now in Košice, piles with square caps are being implemented, which are some of the most difficult of foundation works. From project preparation, production in the reinforcement shop, excavation the pit and Berliner wall execution, to the actual installation of the cap reinforcement in the prepared pit and the concreting itself. In the photo below, you can see how large the reinforcement is compared to a human figure.
The largest cap was designed to anchor three columns (=>three cups in the cap) and measures 2.95×4.20 m with a height of 2.30 m.
The construction is led by Miroslav Slabý and Šimon Koritenský and the project is being prepared by Ing. Ondřej Tušl.
In 2024, we supported Zdravotní klaun, o.p.s. Foundation, which helps spread laughter and joy into the hospitals. We will continue in this support.
Our company Čeněk a Ježek a.s. wishes all colleagues and partners a peaceful Christmas holiday and happy new year 2025! We are looking forward to further cooperation! 🥳
You can currently find us in Pilsen, where the construction of the new Polyfunctional House between Anglické nábřeží and U Zvonu streets has recently begun. Two underground floors are designed for the new building under most of the floor plan, and one is designed for the northwestern part. Our contractor work includes the preparation of the project and the execution of temporary retaining structures of the construction pit, including the design and execution of piles. At the same time, we also had to design the retaining structure for the neighboring building (BCB) during the demolition of the existing building on the site of the planned polyfunctional house.
The entire design of retaining structures is very complex and comprehensive due to the abundantly endowed aquifer in the Quaternary cover (the Radbuza River in close proximity). In order to seal the construction pit, Ing. Ondřej Tušl used his knowledge of the trench cutting and remixing deep (TRD) technology when designing the sheeting. This technology, based on the principle of deep soil improvement, will create a barrier to groundwater flow. The proposed technology is combined with an anchored Berliner wall. In the place where it is not possible to execute TRD for spatial reasons, and also near the existing building (BCB), a secant pile wall was designed. System piles in the perimeter of the construction pit will be drilled together with the retaining structures. The total length of the boreholes will reach up to 20 m because of the “blind drilling".
You can see here just several photos from the beginning of the construction. We will gradually inform you about the progress of the construction and add more photos.
The construction is led by Ing. Radek Vlasák, the project is in charge of Ing. Ondřej Tušl.
At the moment, there is only one drilling machine (BG 23H) on the construction site, which has the task of completing all the work on the pile foundation of Phase 1 and Phase 2. In total, it is about 100 piles, diameter from 750mm to 1300mm, on approximately 5 buildings ( SO120, SO140, SO150, SO160, SO170). The crew works alternately in the Czech Republic and in Košice – the workload depends on the delivery of documents by the client; after receiving the documents, our designers will immediately prepare a project incorporating changes and revisions, and work on the construction site will then continue.
The SO 160 building, realized as a part of Phase 2, was one of the most difficult constructions in the whole Valaliky industrial park and it has been possibly also the most difficult construction in the history of our company – thanks to the specific geology found in-situ. On more than a half of the construction area of the SO 160, the piles ended in layers of gravel and sand, which were full of highly pressurized water. The water pressure was such that it was able to push the water even through the concrete in the piles to the ground. From the very beginning of work on Phase 2, we have been trying to solve this problem with the concrete supplier, its technologist, and subsequently with the leading experts in concrete technology in the Czech Republic, including prof. Rudolf Hela from VÚT Brno. Prof. Hela was the one, who helped us the most to solve the problem by significantly modifying the concrete formula.
The prepared plain also caused great difficulties – very suitable in terms of load-bearing capacity, but considerably unstable in terms of drilling – mainly in terms of maintaining the external dimensions of the pile caps and work safety during the subsequent installation of the reinforcement of the caps.
Another problem was the very high horizontal forces from the superstructure, which generated the necessity of using massive reinforcement in the piles. The need to ensure the anchorage length of the pile reinforcement in the pile caps led to the design of a new system for connecting the pile and the cap.
Despite all the mentioned complications, we successfully completed the foundation works of the SO160 object last week.
The construction site is led by Miroslav Slabý, Petr Malý and Šimon Koritenský, the project is processed by Ing. Ondřej Tušl.
We are finishing the special foundation works for the new administrative building in Radotín. We have drilled 30 piles for the foundation of the building and 21 steel soldier piles yet. Excavation of the construction pit and the installation of wooden lagging between the soldier piles are now underway.
The construction is led by Vladimír Slavíček, the project was prepared by Ing. Jan Mrazek.
GL PARK Pardubice
Our second drilling machine BG20H is currently working in Pardubice, in the historical Semtín-Rybitví industrial zone. This area was originally focused on chemical production. Here we drill 620 mm diameter piles with 1250 mm diameter circular caps. The upperstructure will be constructed of prefab concrete columns, therefore the caps are equipped with cups for bearing these columns.
The geological subsoil of the site consists of layers of sand and gravel (Quaternary sediments of fluvial origin), which alternate with each other. The total thickness of these sediments ranges from 7.50-9.50 m. Below them, there is a chalk bed formed by marlstone. A high groundwater level is also typical for this area, the water level is 1.35-1.60 m below the existing terrain. When drilling piles, we use casing and the piles are designed to end in marlstone.
The speciality of this building site is also the high aggressiveness of the groundwater (classified as XA3 according to ČSN EN 206-1), thanks to the high content of SO4 sulfates and the exceptional and extreme value of CO2. Therefore, we use C30/37 XA3(SO4) concrete for piling.
Ing. Jan Mrázek prepared the design, Ing. Radek Vlasák is managing the construction site.
PANATTONI PARK Chomutov-Jirkov
We are currently finishing the foundation of a new hall for HOPI CZ in Panattoni Park in Chomutov. This is the second big project we are working on in this location, so we were able to use our knowledge of the subsoil at this location. Our BG20H drill and borrowed Soilmec are drilling on the construction site. Drilling takes place through clayey layers without the need of casing.
We are drilling piles with a diameter of 900 mm, 239 pcs in total. The maximum drilling length is 15 m. The piles are equipped with circular caps with a diameter of 1350 mm with cups for prefa columns. The two caps were made square shaped.
The project was prepared by Bc. Ondřej Krkavec, construction is led by Vladimír Slavíček.
The second phase of construction works in Košice has already started, we are currently executing deep foundation for object SO160. It is planned to drill approximately 490 piles with diameters of 1000, 1300 and 1500 mm with pile caps for prefa columns. The start of drilling is greatly complicated by the geological substratum, specifically the pressurized water at about 12 m under the ground causes problems. The water has already risen above the ground level in several piles. Thanks to many years of experience, we can deal with this situation well, so we are not late and we can keep going.
Our largest drilling machine BG28H and also BG23 are currently working on the construction site.
The construction is led by Miroslav Slabý, Petr Malý and Šimon Koritenský, the project is processed by Ing. Ondřej Tušl.
We have already finished an extension of the modern production hall for the expert in CNC machining – Obrobna Resl s.r.o. – in the industrial zone of Liberec-North. A total of 31 piles, mostly with circular caps, were drilled by our BG 20H drill.
Drilling proceeded without any problem, one pile diameter of 900 mm was used. The diameters of the circular caps were chosen, as usual, according to the specified dimensions of the prefabricated columns. Caps with a diameter of 1250 and 1350 mm were drilled on this construction site. Square caps were made for pairs of columns.
The project was prepared by Ing. Vojtěch Ježek, construction site was led by Petr Malý.
Our drilling machines have moved from Košice to Karviná, to the premises of Shimano Czech Republic, s.r.o., where we already know it well, as it is not our first time there. The subject of our works is the design of execution documentation and subsequently the implementation of deep foundations for new halls, that will extend the company's production plant. This is already the 4th phase of the extension, and the work is currently underway to found halls SO401 and SO402 (new production hall and administrative building). The 5th phase of extension is also planned for the future.
At the construction site, the subsoil is formed by dumped soil in the top layer, under which alluvial clays were found. Sands and gravels occur under that clays and act as a collector – an environment in which groundwater is accumulated. Under the gravels the plastic clays were found. According to the composition of the soil profile, it is clear that the drilling of the piles will be done with casing and the concreting mostly with the pipes.
We are now drilling piles in SO401. Piles have diameters of 750, 1000 and 1200 mm and lengths of 5.0 – 15.0 m, which will be equipped with round or square caps with cups for prefa columns. In the object SO402, piles with a diameter of 750 and 1000 mm and lengths of 6.0 – 13.0 m and round heads await us.
The documentation was prepared by Bc. Ondřej Krkavec, construction is managed by Miroslav Slabý.
First phase done! Our drills have already left the construction site in Košice, and in the first days of June, only finishing work on the piles inside the pits in the SO110 building was taking place.
The piles inside the pits were drilled with a 6 m long blind drilling (the final head of the pile is located 6 m below the original terrain – at the bottom of the pit). Due to the high level of the underground water, it was necessary to pump water non-stop from the construction pit during the excavation work.
In the photos, you can see the piles before the final treatment of their heads, as well as the pit with already finished base concrete.
Our machines will return to the construction site in Košice in about a month to start the second phase. Ing. Ondřej Tušl is currently working on the project.
PKS OKNA a.s. Žďár nad Sázavou
We have just completed the deep foundation of the extension of the PKS-Okna company hall in Žďár nad Sázavou. Piles with a diameter of 620 and 1000 mm were made, which are equipped with pile caps with a diameter of 1250 and 1350 mm. The pile caps were concreted above the ground, into a formwork prepared from the B-system. You can see the freshly concreted caps with cups for prefa columns in the attached photo.
The project was prepared by Ing. Ondřej Tušl, the construction site was managed by Ing. Radek Vlasák.
When it is necessary to expand an existing building, it is necessary to take into account that piles cannot be placed right next to the existing structures. Already during the preparation of the design project, the handling space (minimum distance from the obstacle), which the drilling rig needs, must be taken into account in order to avoid damages to the existing structure (building cladding, gutters, lights, etc.) when drilling piles. The minimum distance from the obstacle depends on the diameter of the drilled pile. For piles with a diameter of up to 900 mm, we consider a distance of 850 mm (to the center of the pile), for larger pile diameters use 1000 mm.
Our company Čeněk a Ježek a.s. regularly adopt animals from Prague ZOO to support this institution. We keep the tradition and we adopted 4 animals for year 2024.
The first choice was Short-beaked echidna (ježura australská), which is an animal similar to a hedgehod (= “Ježek" in our company name).
Since we executed a foundation for a new monkey pavilion, the Western Lowland Gorillas (gorila nížinná) was the second choice.
We have also chosen the cute Long-eared hedgehog and it immediately became a darling of the whole company.
The last animal chosen for 2024 was a beautiful small cat, which can be really dangerous – Pallas's cat, also known as Manul.
The April ended and we successfully finished all the works of the special foundation and retaining structures at the Škrétova building site, which we wrote about here already in February.
In the attached photos you can clearly see the slope of the black slate layers found at the bottom of the construction pit. The first photo shows the final appearance of the construction pit with the base concrete. This photo was taken by our brave construction manager Ing. Radek Vlasák from the crane.
TERMIZO a.s. Liberec
Waste management is the topic of today. We were asked to execute deep foundations for a new air condenser for TERMIZO a.s. waste incinerator in Liberec, which uses mixed municipal waste and selected industrial waste as a fuel for the production of heat and electricity.
In the photo you can see our BG20H drilling machine in action, drilling piles with a diameter of 1000 mm. The piles have square heads, into which the anchoring of the steel structure of the condenser was inserted using chemical adhesive anchors.
The construction is led by Vladimír Slavíček, the project was prepared by Ing. Ondřej Tušl.
We wish you spring days full of new, fresh and positive energy and Happy Easter!
Take a look at the photos from the construction of the Panasonic Plzeň HVAC hall, which we wrote about at the end of last year. The photos were taken at the end of February, when our machines were still drilling the piles. Now all the work on the foundation is finished, the drills have left the construction site and are continuing on other projects, which we will let you know about in the near future.
We are currently working on a retaining structures and deep foundations for the new RU-SH Apartments building, located not far from the National Museum in Prague, in Škrétova Street. The specialty of this project is that the building site is located in the backyard of the city apartment buildings. This fact brings many limitations. One of them is a narrow access to the construction site (through the entrace for a passenger car). Thanks to this limitation, it was already necessary in the project to count on the use of a small-diameter drilling rig, which is able to pass through the entrance to the backyard (you can see it in the first photo).
To secure the construction pit, soldier micropiles (steel HE140B) with drained shotcrete will be used, anchored in one or two levels, depending on the depth of the foundation pit.
Our delivery of works also includes design and execution of micropiles for strengthening the foundation of the existing apartment building, underlaying of neighboring buildings, including the use of tendors (nails), and the design and construction of the foundation for the crane (footing supported by 12 micropiles). The footing is already finished and the crane is already erected at the building site, as you can see in the attached photo.
Currently, all the soldier micropiles have been drilled, the first row of anchors is ready on 3/4 of the perimeter of the foundation pit, the neighboring buildings are underlayed and all micropiles are also ready. Shotcrete spraying and excavation of the construction pit are now in progress.
The construction is led by Ing. Radek Vlasák, the project was prepared by Ing. Vojtěch Ježek.
We informed you at the end of the last year, that it was necessary to design a structure to retain a slope on the bank of the Elbe river to build a wharf on the Elbe in Dolní Beřkovice.
We have already finished design and also the execution of the unanchored pile wall and you can see the structure in the photos below.
We have just finished execution of deep foundation for a production hall, external warehouse and sprinkler for Toppan Packaging Czech in the Joseph industrial zone near Havraň. As a part of the project, we made over 170 piles with diameters of 750, 950 and 1000 mm. The piles are mainly designed with circular caps with cups for attaching the prefa columns of the upper structure. One pile cap was designed square shaped and was made in an excavation secured by soldier piles with lagging (bcs the lower edge of the pile cap is located at the -5.05 m level).
The project was prepared by Bc. Ondřej Krkavec, the construction was led by Ing. Radek Vlasák.
We are reporting from windy Košice. The temperatures of the last few days have been slightly below zero, but thanks to the strong wind, we felt like it was -18 °C. When trying to insert the reinforcement cages into the bore holes, they act like flying feathers in the wind, so the work is extremely demanding. The fact, that the groundwater is located approx. 30 cm below the ground level and the geological profile is very variable does not improve the situation much. But our team does not give up and work tirelessly together with our designers to keep all commitments. Currently, three of our drilling machines are working on the construction site – BG28, BH23 and BG18.
The construction is led by Libor Dvorský and Miroslav Slabý together with our two new construction managers – Petr Malý and Šimon Koritenský.
Check out the photos from the site below. You can see the erection of the first column or a detail of the PEIKKO screws used to attach the prefa columns to the pile caps.

Construction of a new HVAC (heating, ventilation, airconditioning) production hall has just started in Panasonic CZ area in Pilsen, Borská pole. It will grow on the site of the former hall, which was demolished and its foundations (footings) were removed.
We are very pleased to design and implement a deep foundation for this project. In total, we expect to make over 650 piles, mostly with drilled pile caps, while the longest piles will be 24 m long.
4 drilling rigs already work on the construction site and according to reports from the construction site, everything is going like clockwork. The subsoil consists of clayey sands, and one could say that there is a “drilling paradise". 😊
The project was prepared by Ing. Ondřej Tušl, construction is led by Vladimír Slavíček.
Christmas present – NEW BG23H
Have you bought all your Christmas presents yet? We made ourselves happy with one really big gift – new drilling rig BG23H!
It has already left to Košice to help its colleague BG28H with drilling.
The large storage hall in the Panattoni Park complex in Cheb, the construction of which we participated in (construction started in November 2022), will be completed soon. See the attached photos of the really extensive structure.
We drilled a total of 963 piles, most of them with round caps with cups used for inserting the prefa columns. The largest diameter of the caps was 1800 mm and the longest piles measure 26 m and have a diameter of 1300 mm. Our works also included an implementation of retaining structures for excavation pit for the storm sewer and lift.
The construction site was led by Vladimír Slavíček, the project was prepared by Ing. Jan Mrázek and Ing. Ondřej Tušl.
Christmas party
At the end of November, we received an invitation to a Christmas party from our friends from 3G Praha s.r.o. The session took place on the ship Hamburg on the Vltava river in Prague and its stylish dress-code was sailors/boaters.
We enjoyed a romantic night cruise through Prague, excellent food, a bottomless bar, nice service, but most of all a lot of fun and great company. It was, by the way, as always with 3G, a perfect party, and we look forward to the next meeting together, be it formal, work or informal.
Our largest drilling machine BG28H with the entire crew, led by Miroslav Slabý, has already arrived in Košice and started working on the project we already wrote about in the summer.
First, the crew started drilling secant pile wall, which will retain the pits for the new technologies. In the first building, two pits will be realized and both will be made of piles with a diameter of 1000 mm and lengths of 7.50 m (primary piles) and 10.50 m (secondary, reinforced piles). 311 piles will be drilled in total. The retaining wall will be anchored in one anchoring level.
Before the start of drilling piles, guide walls were made to help the accuracy of drilling. You can see the construction of the guide walls in the attached photos.
Due to the expected geology (liquid sands in the interlayers of Neogene clays and pressurized water), the boreholes need to be steel-casted along their entire length and it is necessary to be in constant contact with the designers in case of unexpected changes in the geological profile.
The project manager is Ing. Vojtěch Ježek.
To build a wharf on the Elbe in Dolní Beřkovice, it was necessary to design a structure to retain a slope on the bank of the Elbe river. Ing. Jan Mrázek has already designed a permanent unanchored contiguous pile wall consisting of 24 piles with a diameter of 750 mm. The piles are connected in their heads by a reinforced concrete beam with a height of 800 mm. Due to the length of the pile wall, three dilatation joints were designed in the wall.
The piles has been already drilled. It will now be followed by the reinforcement and concreting of the beam at the pile heads. After that, the slope will be gradually excavated up to the designed level with the simultaneous implementation of reinforced and drained shotcrete between the piles.
The construction site is managed by Vladimír Slavíček.
On the way to Košice! We have just made a stop in Prešov to drill piles in the VectorParks Prešov logistics park. We are drilling deep foundations for the SO 101 warehouse-production hall and piles for a pile wall. The pile wall will be unanchored and made of piles with a diameter of 600 mm. The piles will be connected in their heads by a reinforced concrete beam and there will be also executed shotcrete with a thickness of 100 mm between the soldier piles.
The foundation and pile wall projects were prepared by the client, the building site is managed by Miroslav Slabý.

We have just finished works on deep foundations for a new warehouse for LK Pumpservice in Prague, Letňany district.
Our drilling rig BG18H executed 53 piles with a diameter of 750 and 1000 mm. Most of the piles were made with round caps, only a few of them were made with rectangular caps – they carry two columns in one cap.
Ing. Vojtěch Ježek designed the deep foundation, Vladimír Slavíček managed the construction site.

CTPark Blatnice
We are drilling and drilling, right now in Blatnice, not far from Nýřany. The interesting fact of this location is that there are significant coal seams that were deepmined in the past and there are corridors in the underground left. In 2016, an expert opinion was carried out, which was subsequently used in the design of the piles that we are currently implementing here. Our BG20H drilling machine is drilling 199 piles with round caps for the assembled reinforced concrete skeleton of the new hall. Piles with a diameter of 750 mm are drilled with predrills for pile caps with a diameter of 1250, 1400 and 1600 mm. Already in the predrills of the caps, we have been reaching sandstone with a hardness of R4-R3.
The construction site is led by Ing. Radek Vlasák.

Our machinery fleet got bigger and stronger again! In order to be able to implement the deep foundations of extremely loaded structures, which generate large dimensions and lengths of piles, we purchased a new, powerful BG28H instead of the BG23H. This new drilling rig of ours can drill a pile with a diameter of up to 1500 mm (dia 1800 mm after a minor adjustment), and it can also drill large round pile caps (with a diameter of up to 2000 mm) without any problems.

The summer holidays are in a full swing, everyone is on a trip, and so is our BG20H drilling machine. Right now you can find it in Košice, in the east of Slovakia, where it performs a very important task – it carries out technological drills and piles for load tests in the future large production area. But it is not easy at all, because the geological and hydrogeological conditions at the site of the future construction are extremely demanding. Drilling is complicated by liquid sands in the interlayers of Neogene clays. And to make matters worse, these are sands with pressurized water, which after drilling can rise up above the ground level in an instant and fill the entire borehole with fine sand. The exact positions of these sand layers are practically impossible to map in advance. Our drill crews will have to be very alert and skilled indeed! They will also have to be in contact with our designer, who will continuously update the project documentation according to the situation on the construction site. For more than a thousand piles…
Our designers, led by Ing. Vojtěch Ježek, have been working on the project from the very beginning. The results from the technological boreholes and load tests will be used for a more economical foundation design for the entire future factory. The start of the construction work is planned for November of this year. It will be a challenge, but we are ready to do precise work even in these extreme conditions.
HEATING PLANT Králové nad Labem
We have already warmed up two times this year at the Heating plant area in Dvůr Králové nad Labem. The first time we drilled deep foundation of the boiler house (piles with circular caps for prefa columns), the second time we managed two projects at once – piles under the base plate for the storage tanks and the foundation of the energo bridge.
The attached photo shows the piles under the storage tanks.
We are returning back to Nitra, after 5 years, to help with an extension of the halls of G-TES, for which we drilled piles in 2018.
We are currently drilling piles and preparing the square pileheads for the prefab columns in the extension of the press shop. Due to the pile heads dimensions (1.45×2.00×1.80 m) and the local geology, it is necessary to retain the excavation pit. We always first make the soldier piles with lagging and then the excavation and the head themselves, as you can see in the attached photos. We are also drilling piles for an extension of the administration building and the welding shop extension.
The construction site is managed by Libor Dvorský, the project was prepared by Ing. Ondřej Tušl.
TEAMBUILDING Giant mountains
We went to Giant mountains for our teambuilding. The weather was great, so that we could do some hikes along the ridges and enjoy the breathtaking views. We also spent some time in the spa, tasted excellent food and chatted with each other and with our friends from 3G Praha s.r.o., who visited us there. The days were full of laughter and joy and we are already looking forward to the next teambuilding.
LE & CO Jirny
It looks like our drilling machine is already sulking in the corner and refusing to continue drilling anymore, but it is not the case. We came back to Jirny, to the LE & CO area, to drill another deep foundation for new shelters, corridors and a pedestrian bridge between the production halls (we drilled its foundation last year). Our drilling rig has to drill very close to the existing hall, because the pedestrian bridge will be built here. Piles dia 1300 mm are needed to carry the large loading from the upper structure (bridge).
The project was designed by Ing. Ondřej Tušl, construction is managed by Miroslav Kloc.
Our BG 18H drilling rig has just finished drilling piles and pile caps for the new Renokar production site in Stráž pod Ralskem and has moved on to the next building site. The reinforcement cages for the piles and pile caps were all welded on site, as you can see in the photos.
Did you know, that the maximum length of the rod (“roxor") is 14 m, ideally only 12 m? Longer rods are not suitable (transportation, handling, etc.). Therefore, if longer cages are needed, the designer must take into account the connection of rods. Connecting has its own clear rules and we use overlapping for the pile reinforcement. The length of the overlap depends, among other things, on the diameter of the rods used.
The project was designed by Ing. Jan Mrázek, the construction was led by Ing. Radek Vlasák.
In-House exhibition BAUER Gruppe, Schrobenhausen (DE)
We visited our machine supplier BAUER Group in Schrobenhausen in Germany in the first week of May. We attended In-House exhibition in BAUER's headquarters, checked the upgrades and new machines and enjoyed the good atmosphere and great conversations.
Thank to BAUER Group for the invitation and we are looking forward to the next time.
EXTENSION OF A WAREHOUSE (Kupkolo.cz) Dvůr Králové nad Labem
The cycling season has already started, and since the interest in bikes is great, there is a need to extend a warehouse space of one of the largest Czech online sellers of components, accessories and bikes. We were invited to execute deep foundation for the warehouse extension.
The extension is founded by piles dia 750 mm with circular pileheads dia 1350 mm with cups prepared for the precast columns.
The project was prepared by Ing. Ondřej Krkavec, construction is managed by Miroslav Slabý.
BIOMASS BOILER Dvůr Králové nad Labem
We are working on a deep foundation for a new biomass boiler in Dvůr Králové nad Labem now.
Ing. Jan Mrázek has prepared the project, Miroslav Kloc is managing the construction site.
Jiří Borovský
5. 3. 2023
Our colleague and friend Jirka Borovský, who belonged to our team since 2012, passed away on 28th of February. Sincere condolences to his family. Rest in peace.
We have come to Přehýšov again to execute a deep foundation of another new warehouse – B.3. We are working on 220 new piles dia. 750 and 1000 mm with pile cups drilled dia. 1350 and 1500 mm.
The project was prepared by Ing. Vojtěch Ježek, construction site is being managed by Ing. Radek Vlasák.
BACK IN 2022
Working on a wall made of soldier micropiles with lagging for a small hydroelectric power plant on Otava river in Radešov.
Bc. Ondřej Krkavec has prepared the design, Jan Chadima manages the site.
OZO Ing. Tereza Jiříčková
We would like to congratulate our colleague Ing. Tereza Jiříčková, who passed an exam at Czech Labor Safety Office and became a qualified person of the Health and Safety Care.
A great event requires great commitment. Our drilling machines have arrived to Cheb and they are going to drill more than 830 pile caps and piles with a maximum length of up to 25 m for the new warehouse.
The construction site is managed by Vladimír Slavíček, the project is in charge of Ing. Jan Mrázek and Bc. Ondřej Tušl.
We have finished the deep foundation of a new warehouse B.1 near exit 100 on D5 (Přehýšov). More than 320 piles with a diameter of 750 and 1000 mm with round pile cups were drilled.
The project was prepared by Ing. Jana Dvorská, construction site was managed by Miroslav Kloc.
We have already finished the retaining structure for the pit excavation and deep foundation for an apartment house. The retaining structure is made of doubled steel piles 2xU280 or 2xU260 with timber lagging. The structure is anchored in one level through the steel soldier piles. Piles dia 750, 1000 and 1300 mm were drilled to found the apartment house.
Ing. Radek Vlasák supervised the building site, the project was in charge of Ing. Štěpánka Peřinová.
We are very pleased, that our clients are satisfied with our works and that they hire us for a cooperation on other new projects.
Our drilling machines have visited the area of GOLDBECK Prefabeton s.r.o. in Tovačov again. They have drilled secant pile walls for an aggregate pit and foundations for silos and new hall.
Ing. Jan Mrázek a Bc. Ondřej Krkavec have prepared the projects, Vladimír Slavíček a Miroslav Slabý supervised the building site.
Our working groups have picturesque view of Ještěd during drilling piles of dia. 750 mm with pile caps (dia. 1250 and 1350 mm) for a new warehouse in an industrial area of Liberec – Dolní Hanychov.
Ing. Vojtěch Ježek has prepared the project of pile foundation, Libor Dvorský supervises the construction site.
The works on foundation and retaining structures for AH Milánská has been finished and you can see pictures from the site below.
Our drilling machine has just left the construction site of the Milánská Apartment House in Prague 10 – Horní Měcholupy, where it was drilling temporary retaining structures for the foundation pit for the apartment house itself and for a retention tank, as well as executing deep foundations for cranes.
The main foudation pit is retained by Berlin wall made from soldier steel piles from IPE270 to IPE400, which will be anchored at one level. In some parts of the pit, where it was not possible to use the anchors, contiguous pile wall of dia 1200 mm was designed and drilled. The retaining structure for the ramp and the retention tank were made as a cantilevered Berlin wall.
The piles for the cranes were drilled with a diameter of 900 and 1200 mm, 16 m long and they will be connected with monolithic footings in their heads.
The works on the retaining structures are continuing – timber lagging and shotcrete between the piles are executed and also the anchors are drilled.
The project was prepared by Ing. Michal Budina and Bc. Ondřej Krkavec, Ing. Radek Vlasák is managing the site works.
Pile foundation for a new house called INS Tower in Náchod has been already finished by our BG 20H machine. There was not too much space in-situ, but thanks to a great teamwork and cooperation everything went well and the whole Tower on embedded piles can be finished soon.
Ing. Štěpánka Peřinová has prepared the design of pile foundation.
We designed and executed foundations and retaining structures for the foundation pit for an apartment house in Poděbradova Street in Pilsen in 2019.
We are coming back now to found another apartment house right next to the house from 2019. The new AH will be built on the site of a former brewery and restaurant. The outline of the demolished brewery is visible on the wall of AH from 2019 – can be seen in the attached picture.
The project was prepared by Ing. Jan Mrázek, Bc. Dominik Malý manages the site.
Rostislav Kameníček
We got to know sad news, that our former colleague died on 2nd of April 2022. Sincere condolences to his family. Rest in peace.🤍
BALL Pilsen
We drill the piles for a new Ball warehouse until the drill smokes – you can see us at Borské pole in Pilsen.
The project is in charge of Ing. Jan Mrázek, Vladimír Slavíček manages the site works.
Two new apartment houses will be built above Dalejský potok, at the end of the tram line in Hlubočepy, Prague. We are currently drilling piles with a diameter of 900 and 1200 mm and length up to 15,5 m to found them. The design and execution of an unanchored Berliner wall for a foundation pit is also a part of our delivery.
Ing. Jan Mrázek has prepared the project, Ing. Radek Vlasák manages the site works.
LE & CO Jirny
The new large production hall for LE & CO company in Jirny near Prague is already growing in height. The high-quality deep foundation for this construction is executing by our largest drilling machine BG23H.
The construction is managed by Miroslav Kloc and Bc. Dominik Malý, the project was prepared by Ing. Jan Mrazek.
NEW WAREHOUSES Týniště nad Orlicí
We are executing the foundation of production and storage halls WH102 and WH103 in Panattoni Industrial Park in Týniště nad Orlicí. The geology in-situ (exaggerated river bed filled with Holocene alluvium with organic admixture and frequent alternation of geological layers) and high groundwater level clearly led to the design of deep foundations – to bored piles, which must be cased along the entire length when drilling.
The construction is managed by Ing. Radek Vlasák, the projects were prepared by Ing. Veronika Špedlová and Ing. Vojtěch Ježek.
We purchased new drilling machine BG20H, which will help to increase the productivity and operational capabilities of the company, and also help us to prevent problems associated with the currently very poor availability of spare parts and authorized servicing of drilling rigs (a consequence of the covid-19 pandemic).
In order to have a place to store all our machines and equipment and to carry out regular repairs of drilling tools, we acquired a large area with a two-nave hall after reconstruction, warehouses and workshops in Na Valmetce street in Kladno.
BACK IN 2021
The execution of a pile foundation for a new multi-storey automated warehouse for a major online retailer started at the end of June in Kojetín in an area, which was formerly part of a sugar factory.Tall and heavy loaded structure needs a special design of pile foundation – there were designed piles of dia. up to 1500 mm and in lengths up to 36 m.
The design was made by Ing. Jan Mrázek, the construction site is supervised by Miroslav Slabý and Vladimír Slavíček.
The BG20, BG23 and BG33 drilling machines are currently working at the site.
We are preparing an Execution design of pile foundation for a new production facility for one of the biggest vehicle manufacturer worldwide.
The production hall will be founded on bored piles with circular and rectangular pile caps. At the locations of concentrated loads from upper structure, there are designed pile groups with a massive concrete footings. The loess and buried soil in situ and a huge loads from upper structure generates piles with lengths up to 30 m.
A part of our service is also a design of a retaining structures for pits inside the halls.
This project is a big challange and experience for our design team as long as there are many problems arising on during the process of designing and current execution carried out by local subcontractors. We are forced to solve the tasks and problems operatively in order of hours or days.
Ing. Jan Mrázek and Ing. Veronika Špedlová are responsible for the whole design of pile foundation and retaining structures.
New pedestrian bridge, which will be a part of a new reconstructed railway station in Pardubice, will be founded on piles drilled by our machines.
Ing. Radek Vlasák supervises the construction site.
Our drilling machine tried to vie with the fifth highest building in the Czech republic – with the 300 m high chimney in an areal of Power plant Chvaletice. Meanwhile the piles for a pipeline reconstruction were drilled.
PRODUCTION HALL for F. X. Meiller Slaný Ltd.
We have just finished the deep foundation for a new production hall for F. X. Meiller Slaný Ltd. Company. Piles of dia. 750 mm and 1000 mm with circular pile caps were drilled in a marine sediments of Bohemian Cretaceous Basin (sandstone).
Design was prepared by Ing. Jana Dvorská, the construction site was supervised by Ing. Radek Vlasák.
Deep foundation and the Berliner wall for a new apartment building U Ježíška in Pilsen were executed by our machines.
The supervisors are Ing. Radek Vlasák and Miroslav Kloc, design was made by Ing. Vojtěch Ježek.
Our two drilling machines are working on a deep foundation and permanent pile wall in a neogene clay and waterlogged sandy soil. Maximal length of piles is 25 m.
Ing. Jana Dvorská has designed the deep foundation, Ing. Vojtěch Ježek has prepared the design of the pile wall, Miroslav Slabý supervises the building site.
BACK IN 2020
• Toyoda Gosei, Klášterec nad Ohří
• CS Cabot, Valašské Meziříčí
• KOITO, Žatec
• Velkoobchod BŘENDA, Praha
• BD TROJA, Praha
• HYPO-BANK, Praha 1
• Velvyslanectví Čínské republiky, Praha
• CHEMOPRAG Administrativní budova, Praha
• TEPPICHFREUND, Ústí nad Labem
• DROXI skladový areál, Všechromy
• INFINEON, Trutnov
• Kimberly – Clark, Jaroměř
• Cebalsol, Velim
• IFE, Brno
• Obytný soubor Hvězda, Hradec Králové
• ECM Radioplazza, Praha
• Linet výrobní hala, Slaný
• Byt. jednotky, Mariánské Lázně
• Simizu Kogyo, Liberec
• TGSSC výrobní hala, Klášterec nad Ohří
• Villa Třešňovka, Praha
• ABC stage II, Louny
• Domov důchodců, Turnov
• Dům pro seniory, Praha-Radotín
• Projekt TPCA Assembly, Kolín
• Futaba, Havlíčkův Brod
• Bytový dům Nové Butovice, Praha
• KOITO, Žatec
• Faerch Plast, Liberec
• Hyundai, Nošovice
• Futaba, Havlíčkův Brod
• Auto Jarov, Praha
• Bytový dům poblíž historického náměstí Berouna
• Budova ŘSD, Praha
• BD, Horní Mísečky
• Bytové domy, Plzeň
• Bytový dům Jeseniova, Praha
• BTP Chodov SO 01.01, SO 01.03-6, SO 01.08, SO 01.10-11
• Výrobní hala Borgers, Volduchy
• Piloty pro ukotvení sítí v ZOO Praha
• Casino, Dolní Dvořiště
• Berounka park, Plzeň
• Městský stadion, Liberec
• FURUKAWA výrobní hala, Unhošť
• Kia, Žilina (SK)
• Tesco hypermarket, Mělník
• Mi King fáze I, Kolín
• DAIHO, Plzeň
• SSC, Humpolec
• Kaufland, Brno
• Polyfunční domy, Beroun
• Bytové domy Pod Záhorskem, Plzeň
• Sconto, Brno Modřice
• Nádrž Bucharka – zasněžování, Liberec (Ještěd)
• Protipovodňová opatření Akuma, Mladá Boleslav
• OC Nový Anděl, Praha
• AISIN, Písek
• NYK Logistic, Kolín
• Elektrárna Dukovany
• R. Bosch, České Budějovice
• Zličín bussiness center, Praha
• Sungwoo fáze I., Ostrava
• TGSSC, Kláštěrec nad Ohří
• Daikin, Brno
• Toyota Tsuho, Kolín
• Ohmori, Brno
• Aquacentrum Barrandov, Praha
• Apartmány, Bedřichov
• Avenir Business park Radlická, Praha
• Drogerie Market skladová hala, Jihlava
• Hotel Strahov, Praha
• Bytový dům Mlynářka, Praha
• Bytové domy Na Vyhlídce, Praha
• Podzemní garáže Na Smetance, Praha
• Hala PHOENIX, Praha
• Bytové domy Sylván, Plzeň
• Scania, Modletice
• OC Skalka, Praha
• Accumalux, Mladá Boleslav
• Hitachi Home Electronic, Žatec
• Plakor, Mošnov
• Mi King fáze II, Kolín
• Sungwoo fáze II, Ostrava
• Hypermarket Tesco, Jirkov
• Obchodní centrum Kaufland, Svitavy
• Kaufland, Slaný
• Hyundai, Nošovice
• Obchodní centrum, Mladá Boleslav
• Zimní stadion, Karlovy Vary
• Hypermarket GLOBUS, Liberec